Saturday, 14 January 2017

Topic - 17 Fore End Construction

1.      Deck Longitudinals
Each deck longitudinal, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM not less than that obtained from the following equation:
SMreq = 7.8chsl2 cm3                    (3-2-5/3.1)
                                                 = 102.4 cm3
   Minimum depth obtained from Rule book = 165.67mm
   Depth considered = 357.19mm = 14 1/16 in.
   Web thickness = 3/4 in.
   Flange thickness = 1 5/16 in.
   Flange width = 14 in.
                                         SMobtained = 560.2 cm3
2.       Deck Transverses
Each deck transverse, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM not less than that obtained from the following equation:
SMreq = 4.74chsl2 cm3            (3-2-5/3.3)
                                                                                    = 62.22 cm3          
     Minimum depth obtained from Rule book = 236.472mm
     Depth considered = 357.19mm = 14 1/16 in.
     Web thickness = 3/4 in.
     Flange thickness = 1 5/16 in.
     Flange width = 14 in.
                                         SMobtained = 560.2 cm3
3.       Bottom and Side Longitudinals
Each bottom and side longitudinal, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM not less than that obtained from the following equation:
SM = 7.8chsl2 cm3                      SM = 0.0041chsl2 in3           (3-2-5/3.5)
 SM (bottom Longitudinals) = 59.349cm3 
 SM (side Longitudinals)      = 55.362 cm3
Minimum depth obtained from Rule book (for both bottom and side) = 354mm
Depth considered = 357.19mm = 14 1/16 in.
Web thickness = 3/4 in.
Flange thickness = 1 5/16 in.
Flange width = 14 in.
                                         SMobtained = 560.2 cm3
4.       Bottom and Side Transverses
Each bottom and side transverse, in association with the plating to which it is attached, is to have a section modulus SM not less than that obtained from the following equation:
SM = 4.74chsl2 cm3                         SM = 0.0025chsl2 in3       (3-2-5/3.7)
SM (bottom and side Longitudinals) = 47.10 cm3 
     Minimum depth obtained from Rule book for side transverses = 354mm
     Depth considered = 357.19mm = 14 1/16 in.
     Web thickness = 3/4 in.
     Flange thickness = 1 5/16 in.
     Flange width = 14 in.
                                         SMobtained = 560.2 cm3
      Minimum depth obtained from Rule book for bottom transverses = 441.79mm
     Depth considered = 17 7/6 in. = 442.91mm
     Web thickness = 1 in.
     Flange thickness = 1 3/4 in.
     Flange width = 15 7/8 in.
                                         SMobtained = 1333.33 cm3
5.       Proportions
Deck and bottom chords and transverses and side transverses are to have proportions complying with the following:
Ø  Deck chords and transverses are to have a depth of not less than 83.5 mm per meter of span l (1 in. per foot of span l).
Depth = 236.472 mm
Finalized Depth = 14 1/16 in = 357.19mm
Ø  Side transverses are to have a depth of not less than 125 mm per meter of span l (1.5 in. per foot of span l).                             
                                                    Side transverses depth =354 mm
Finalized Depth = 14 1/16 in. = 357.19 mm
Ø  Bottom transverses and chords are to have a depth of not less than 156 mm per meter of span       l (1.875 in. per foot of span l).
Bottom transverse depth =441.79 mm
Finalized Depth = 17 7/16 in. = 442.91 mm

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