The length between perpendiculars is
divided into equal divisions to draw a section at each of these divisions.
These sections are numbered from AP to FP . Quarter and half stations
are also taken at the ends to define the hull form more accurately. Using the
offset table obtained at CB, a preliminary half breadth is
prepared. By fairing the lines in the half breadth plan, a preliminary body
plan is prepared. A half transverse section only is drawn since the vessel is
symmetrical about the centerline plane. The forward half sections are drawn to
the right of the centerline with the aft sections to the left. The outreaches
of the stem and stern profiles are drawn in the elevation.
It is essential when designing the
hull form of the ship that all the three sets of curves should be fair and
coincident with each other and their interdependence becomes important in the
fairing process. At the end of the fairing process, lines are faired in all
three views and final lines plan is prepared.
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