Tuesday, 21 July 2015


A copy of the plan is always displayed in conspicuous locations accessible and frequented by the ship's crew
This plan will familiarizes the seaman with the location of various Pumps i.e Bilge, Ballast, Cooling water circulating, Lubricating, Fresh water, Cargo Fuel oil, Fire and emergency fire pump etc.
This plan familiarizes the seaman with the pipe line layout on Deck, through Double Bottom tanks or duct keel of various systems i.e Steam, hydraulic, ballast, fuel oils, fresh water, cooling water, hold
In case of tankers, cargo loading and discharge lines, associated valves and valve chest, pressure relief valves for various systems on board.
This plan is used for tracing pipe lines for purpose of safe and smooth operations, repairs and maintenance.
The Pumping and pipe line system is in colour code indicated in the key plan.

Further details of pipes size, valves, associated valve chests can be obtained from the appropriate plans.

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