Wednesday, 22 July 2015


Cargo Tanks, generally speaking are referred to cargo compartments on board tanker or Gas Carrier.
The volume enclosed between the weather deck, inner bottom (Tank top) and between inner skin (Hull) of a tanker is transversely and longitudinally divided into several compartment termed as cargo tanks.
This type of arrangement is generally found on board product carriers, where various grades of liquid cargoes have to be carried on board.
Transverse and longitudinal bulkheads are extra strengthened by webs, deep frames, stringers etc., so is the tanks bottom and hull plating strengthened, this strengthening enables the bulkheads to
with stand the head pressure exerted by the liquid.

These are compartments on board all ships, dedicated for carrying Sea water as ballast for the purpose of stability & trim of the vessel. during the vessels unladen voyage.
Ballast tanks are located between the ship’s bottom plating and tank top, these tanks are termed as double bottom tanks. The volume forward of the collision bulkhead and abaft the aft bulk head are
termed as fore and aft peak tanks respectively.
In addition to the afore said tanks, certain modern ships such as container ships, bulk carriers and tankers vessels & OBO’s, side ballast tanks may be provided on the port and starboard side through the length of the vessel. These tanks are independent of the double bottom and peak tanks.

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